General Information & Policies » School Uniform Policy

School Uniform Policy



Please see the School Website for the Uniform Policy Background Information

Current Uniform Vendor: Kula Threads, 2016 Colburn St, Honolulu, HI 96819 (808) 847-6600,



All role groups in the school community were involved in the dialogue and decision-making for this uniform policy, which was implemented in the 1997-98 school year with several subsequent revisions.  Students and parents played a large part in the selection of styles and colors based on preference, practicality of clothing, maintenance and costs.  This research-based uniform policy contributes to reduced gang visibility and school violence, improved student behavior and attendance, and keeps the focus on what is really important at our school - student learning. 


According to the Hawaii Board of Education Policy #4410 on School Uniforms, adopted 5/96, all school uniform policies must include the following four components:

  • Parental leadership and involvement:  The decision represents the views of a majority of the members of the school community. All role groups participated in the conversations and decision making. 
  • No undue financial burden is placed upon individuals and parents:  Most parents view the uniform policy as cost saving for student clothing.  Donated uniforms are available to students with financial needs.
  • Protection of students’ Constitutional rights: The Constitutional rights of students will be respected and Moanalua Middle School will not impose any messages, political or otherwise, on the school uniform.  The school name, logo, mascot will appear on the uniform. 
  • Waivers may be requested.  Parents wishing to exempt their student from the uniform policy may “opt-out” by requesting the Application for Exemption form available in the school office.  Parents should (1) return the completed forms to the office; (2) meet with the Principal or Vice Principal to discuss the student uniform policy and nature of the objection; and (3) review the acceptable student attire. Exemptions are valid only for the current school year and must be renewed at the beginning of each school year.


School uniforms alone will not solve the problems of public schools and community perception of them.  However, uniforms are surely one positive contributing factor to improved middle school culture, discipline and safety.  As parents, students and members of the community work together, a uniform policy becomes part of a strong overall school safety program that supports the learning success of all students.


Statement of Policy -

All Moanalua Middle School students are required to comply with the five (5) components of the school uniform effective the first day of school, unless informed otherwise. Students must wear a uniform shirt, uniform bottoms, footwear, and school issued identification (ID) badge as provided below. Outerwear, when worn, must adhere to specifications. This policy applies at all times on campus, buses, and field trips, as well as at school-sponsored activities. Students must remain in uniform all day, including after school. For school-sponsored activities that do not require a uniform, the Standard Dress Code applies. 

  1. UNIFORM SHIRTS (TOPS): Approved colors are ROYAL or NAVY BLUE, WHITE, and ASH GRAY.

○ Uniform shirts with the school logo are available from the school uniform vendor and includes: polo shirts with collars, t-shirts, 

   and long-sleeved t-shirts. 

○ Shirts that are not tucked in must not extend below bottoms. (No shirt longer than shorts length) 

○ Shirts may not be altered (tied/knotted up, sleeves cut off, tie-dyed, written on, torn, etc.)

○ Shirts that have developed holes or areas of wear are not allowed. 

○ Under shirts must be an approved uniform color (no shirt longer than shorts length). See approved colors above. 

Older versions of the school uniform shirt may be worn as long as it remains in acceptable condition (no holes or worn out). 

○ School sports team jerseys may be worn only on or before game day. Tank top team jerseys must be worn over a t-shirt in the 

   approved uniform shirt color. 

  1. UNIFORM BOTTOMS: Approved colors are SOLID - ROYAL, NAVY, or DENIM BLUE, BLACK, GRAY, TAN KHAKI, & WHITE. ○ Pants or shorts. No skirts allowed. 

○ Uniform bottoms are also available from the school vendor.  

○ Students participating in Performing Arts performances may wear skirts (only for the concert performance) approved by instructors/administrators. 

○ Pants or shorts must fit properly at the waist. The hem of shorts must be below the studentsʻ fingertips. No sagging, baggy, or oversized pants. (If the pants fall down when the belt is off, the pants are too large). No loose or hanging belts or chains. 

Absolutely No holes, rips, or stains on pants or shorts. 

○ No revealing, body hugging bottom wear (i.e. leggings, tights, jeggings, yoga pants, biker shorts). 

  1. OUTERWEAR: Approved colors are SOLID - ROYAL, NAVY, or DENIM BLUE, WHITE, and ASH GRAY. ○ Uniform shirts must be worn with all outerwear. 

○ Uniform jackets with the school logo are available from the school uniform vendor. 

○ Outerwear not purchased from the school uniform vendor must be an approved color. 

○ Images and messages on outerwear must be appropriate for the school environment.

○ Outerwear can have a hood. Hood only used in uncovered outdoor areas when raining. 

  1. FOOTWEAR: Students are required to wear footwear at all times.

○ Flats or athletic shoes are the recommended footwear for middle school students. 

○ Maximum shoe heel height is two (2) inches. No wheels on footwear. 

  1. IDENTIFICATION (ID) BADGE: Students are required to wear the school issued ID badge at all times.

○ This ID must be visibly displayed, facing forward, on the front upper torso via lanyard or badge clip. This will allow anyone on 

    campus to quickly identify the student.

○ ID must be your own and current. You are allowed to be in possession of only one ID. 

○ ID can not be altered or defaced in any way, otherwise you will be asked to purchase a new ID. 

Standard Dress Code 

  • School is a place for learning and students are expected to dress in good taste at all school functions without becoming a distraction to others. Student’s attire should reflect the message of a safe and drug-free campus.
  • Hats, visors and sunglasses are not to be worn or visible on campus, except for approved field trips or physical education activities. Any item of clothing that may be construed as gang-related or items disruptive to the school environment may be banned or confiscated.
  • Pants and shorts must fit properly at the waist without the support of a belt (If the pants fall down when the belt is off, the pants are too large). The hem of shorts must be below the studentsʻ fingertips. Sagging, baggy, or oversized pants, loose or hanging belts or chains, revealing and body hugging attire, and jeans with holes, rips, and/or tears are inappropriate attire.
  • For casual school-sponsored non-uniform events, students may wear a variety of tops including: t-shirts, polo shirts, or blouses as long as the top is tucked in or extending below the waistline, with no visible midriff or cleavage. Halter, tank, cropped, single sided or tube tops; cut shirts, spaghetti straps, torn jeans; and clothing that is see-through, reveals underwear, is body hugging, or bares the midriff are unacceptable. For safety reasons, students should not wear high-heeled shoes.

Free Dress Days - There will be designated “Free Dress Days”, announced in advance, when students are not required to wear school uniform shirts (tops) on campus and adhere to the Standard Dress Code. Bottoms, outerwear, footwear, and ID badge uniform standards must still be followed on “Free Dress Days”. 

Consequences for Non-Compliance to Uniform Policy - Parents/guardians will be called to bring a change of clothing or the school may loan the student with a gently-used uniform if available (Limited inventory on hand). Students must return the uniform at the end of the day. Failure to do so will result in an obligation. 

Non-compliance with the Uniform Policy may result in students receiving school-level discipline in accordance with Chapter 19.

(Revised 3/2024)