Academic Information
Required Courses/Promotion Guidelines
The Board of Education recognizes that young adolescence is a critical period in the development and education of students. Middle-level students must develop 21st century learning skills and be able to use technological tools. Therefore, all students in grades six, seven and eight shall be required to take language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies and be able to demonstrate their 21st century knowledge and skills. Students will receive an academic unit for each of the core content courses to be promoted to the next grade level. Successful completion shall be based on academic proficiency on identified benchmarks.
Hawaii Board of Education Policy 102-8 (Former policy 4502 Approved: 9/02; Amended: 4/7/05; 8/5/10)
At Moanalua Middle School this is the course of study:
Requests for a program change will be accepted only during the first two weeks of school. The student must bring a note from the parent addressed to your child’s grade level counselor. A program change will be made after careful review and consideration made by the grade level counselor. Students and parents should understand that changes will be made only on a space available basis.
Report Cards & Honor Roll
Academic Progress Reports to parents are sent home eight (8) times a year: a progress report in the middle of each quarter and a summative report at the end of each quarter. These reports keep parents informed of their child’s progress throughout the year. In addition, parents/guardians may check JupiterEd (an online grade book) at any time to monitor grades and assignments. Parents/guardians may call the school at any time to schedule a conference with all core teachers during their planning period or schedule a conference with a counselor or an administrator concerning student progress or problems.
Students who earn a quarterly grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or above qualify for the Honor Roll. Students who earn a quarterly GPA of 4.0 qualify for the Principal’s Honor Roll.
Page Updated: 8/2018