General Information & Policies » School Attendance Policy

School Attendance Policy



Students are expected to attend school daily and be on time. The official school day for students begins at 8:30 a.m., a warning bell will ring at 8:25 a.m., and the school day ends at 2:36 p.m., except on Wednesdays the school day ends at 1:40 p.m.


Reporting an Absence:

In the event your child is going to be absent from school, go to Report an Absence button on the top right section and fill out the google doc with the information needed.



Students who arrive at school after the official start time of 8:30 am are considered tardy and must:

  • Report to the office upon their arrival to receive a tardy pass before reporting to the classroom.
  • If the tardy is due to a medical/dental appointment, please bring an official doctor/dentist note.


Early Release:

Early release is a request to have your child leave the school campus before the official

school end time (Mon-Friday 2:36p.m.; Wednesday at 1:40 p.m.). To avoid delays, have your child come to the office before school starts to get a yellow early release pass. A parent, guardian, or an authorized adult must sign-out the student in the front office. Be prepared to present a picture ID.



Parents please notify the school office or go to Report an Absence as soon as plans for any extended absences due to family vacations or trips and/or sports competition events have been made.


Chronic Absenteeism and Excessive Tardiness:

Students are considered chronically absent when they accumulate 15 absences. Students are considered excessively tardy when they accumulate 15 tardies. Progressive action will be taken to address and prevent chronic absenteeism and excessive tardiness. Students who are chronically absent or excessively tardy may receive a referral to counselor/administrator. Chronically absent students may be referred to Family Court. Family Court can place a child under jurisdiction for truancy if the child is not attending school or is not receiving the educational services required by law.


Upon Returning to School:

A doctor’s note is required for absences of five or more consecutive days due to illness upon returning to school. Failure to submit this note may result in the absence being considered unexcused and subject to counselor and administrator follow up action.


Homework Requests:

Homework requests will be taken on the second consecutive day of your child’s absence. Requests must be made before 9:00 a.m. and will be available for pick up in the front office at the end of the school day. Otherwise, the homework request will be available the next school day.


If your child will be absent for reasons other than an illness, contact your child's counselor prior to absence to make the appropriate arrangements for picking up homework. Requested assignments are due on the day the student returns to school.

Updated : April 5, 2023