Identification (ID) Badge System Policy
All Moanalua Middle School faculty, staff, and students are required to “prominently” display the school issued identification (ID) badge on themselves via a badge clip on the upper half of the uniform shirt or on a lanyard at all times while on campus and at designated school sponsored events. This ID badge must be visible at all times and shall NOT be clipped to the bottom hem of the uniform shirt where it is difficult to see.
The ID badge allows anyone on campus to quickly identify faculty, staff, or students and provides a validation that the individual belongs on the school’s campus. For students, the ID badge is part of the school’s uniform policy and is used for purchasing meals from the cafeteria (meal accounting system) and borrowing books from the library.
Faculty and staff will be issued one (1) ID badge on or before the official start of the school year at no charge. Students will be issued one (1) ID badge within the first week of school at no charge. All visitors must report to the front office and a temporary ID badge will be issued.
Displaying or possessing more than one (1) ID badge is not allowed. Students are not allowed to hold on to ID badges of other students at any time. If an ID badge is found, immediately return it to the front office or give it to a faculty or staff member who can take it to the front office.
It is expected that proper care be given to the ID badge. All ID badges are the property of Moanalua Middle School and the Department of Education. Defacing, damaging, or destroying a school issued ID badge, other than normal wear and tear, is considered “property damage” or “vandalism” and subject to discipline procedures under Chapter 19. Any ID badge that is deemed unrecognizable must be replaced
Students who do not have their ID badges must report to the security office and will be issued a temporary “red” ID badge. The following consequences will be given to students for not having an ID badge.
- Warning (only at the beginning of the school year or until initial ID badge is issued)
- First incident: Parent notification and detention.
- Two or more incidents: Progressive discipline includes but not limited to parent conference, reflection sheet, multiple days of detention, Wednesday after school detention, and/or Saturday detention.
All ID badges will be issued from the front office. A replacement fee of $5.00 will be assessed for a re-issued ID badge and $0.25 for the badge clip. All ID badge requests will only be done before school (7:30-8:25 AM), during breaks, or after school (until 3:45 PM). No ID badges will be issued during instructional time. Loans (IOUs) will not be made, fees must be paid at the time of request.
Page Updated: 8/2018