General Information
School Issued Identification (ID) Badges
The school ID badge must be “prominently” displayed and visible at all times while on campus or at designated school sponsored events. The ID badge must be clipped on the upper half of the uniform shirt or worn on a lanyard. ID badges may NOT be clipped on the bottom hem of the shirt where it is difficult to see. One (1) ID badge is issued to each student during the first week of school at no charge. A replacement fee of $5.00 will be assessed for a re-issued ID badge and $0.25 for the badge clip. To see the ID Policy click here.
Morning Drop-off and Afternoon Pick-up
Campus supervision officially starts at 7:30 a.m., it is not recommended that students arrive or be dropped off before this time. Students are to immediately leave campus or be waiting at their designated bus stop after the release bell. Students should not be on campus after school, unless they are participating in an official after school program such as athletics, band, orchestra, or other teacher-supervised activities. Traffic into the school's driveway will always be heavy before school and immediately after school, your patience is appreciated during this time. Remember to pull forward and never double park.
The Kalihi YMCA is the after school program provider. For more information please contact the Kalihi YMCA.
Before School Waiting Areas
Students are expected to be waiting in the designated areas in the morning: the courts, field or Building K quad. All other areas are off-limits until the school day begins, unless you have permission from a teacher. Students eating breakfast are allowed to go to the cafeteria. Students may access their lockers on the second floor but must immediately go to the designated waiting areas after.
After School Waiting Areas
Students are expected to be waiting for their rides in the following areas: benches in front of the cafeteria or the grassy area between Portable 3 and the flagpole. Students are not to crowd the sidewalks or impede the flow of foot traffic.
Moanalua Middle School (MMS) does not recommend having your child wait in the park, at the park pavilion, or on the courts after school for pick up, doing so is at your own risk. These areas are under the jurisdiction of the City and County of Honolulu. MMS will not take responsibility for any incidents that occur in park, at the pavilion, or on the courts that are not under official school supervision.
General Safety
No Running on campus. Running is only permitted on the grassy or play areas. Field sports (football, soccer, etc.) can only be played when there is adult supervision. Stay out of the off-limit areas/no loitering areas.
Off-Limits/No Loitering Areas
The off-limit areas are: Parking lots, the City & County park (except for the courts and playing field next to the K-building during official school supervision), park pavilion, anywhere outside the fence line, F-building lanais and stairwells, behind all portables, F-building, all second floor lanais, and remote trees. These areas are designated off-limits for student safety as we want students to be visible on campus. The school administration reserves the right to declare any area off-limits during the school year.
No loitering in: restrooms, the administration building, or any area painted with diagonal lines. During the lunch period, students may be in the cafeteria, library or in designated play areas, including the courts and large grassy areas. Students shall not loiter or hang out by the classrooms when other students are in Advisory classes. The fire code forbids students from sitting or blocking the stairways and walkways at all times. The school administration reserves the right to declare any area a “no loitering” area during the school year.
Security Cameras
Security cameras have been installed and will be used on the campus. Video recordings will be erased or recorded over within ten (10) calendar days of the recording unless an incident is recorded.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to visit our campus and classrooms. Please coordinate your visit with our Parent Community Networking Coordinator (PCNC). Students from other schools are not permitted to visit the school apart from an organized visitation. All visitors are asked to follow our Standard Dress Code and report to the office first. The office will then contact the school personnel to meet you in the office and you will be escorted to your destination. This helps to ensure a safety and orderly campus of our students and employees.
UPDATE: Visitors will be restricted. All visitors must report to the office.
We value the partnerships and services that volunteers and chaperones provide to our school and students. Prior to starting, we require all volunteers and chaperones to complete an application form, available in the school office.
UPDATE: Until further notice, no volunteers or chaperones will be allowed on campus.
Gum and Food
Absolutely no gum chewing on campus. Eating is not allowed in classrooms or in the library unless special arrangements have been made with appropriate school personnel. Students who eat snacks on campus must dispose of all litter in the trash receptacles provided.
UPDATE: In accordance with wearing face coverings (masks) on campus, eating and drinking must be done from a seated or standing position.
Public Displays of Affection (PDA)
Some middle school students have matured to the point of having close friends. This is a natural process on the way to adulthood. However, the school prohibits open and public displays of affection. Students who are displaying their affections will be counseled, and appropriate consequences will be determined by an administrator.
Planner Pass and Call Slips
All students leaving the classroom during class time must possess an official pass. The official pass is the student planner with the hall pass section fully completed and signed by a teacher. If a student is called out of class, they must have an authorized Call Slip. Students must attend to the specific business and report directly back to class. Students who need to move from one location to another while classes are in session must do so without disturbance so that learning is not interrupted for others. Students who are out of class without passes or call slips may receive school level consequences.
School Property
The school is a public institution and no one may deface, damage, or destroy its buildings, equipment, furniture, grounds, and other property. Graffiti is considered vandalism, and violators will be prosecuted. Damaged, lost, or stolen school books (including the student planner) and supplies must be paid for by the student to whom the items were issued. School issued ID badges are considered school property and must be handled with care.
Outstanding Obligations
Before a student can participate in or attend special events sponsored in full or in part by the school, all outstanding obligations (student government dues, detentions, classroom textbooks, overdue library books or fines, outstanding uniforms on-loan, fund-raising money, etc.) must be cleared.
Personal Belongings
Personal belongings, such as band instruments, handbags, iPads, laptops, Kindles or other eReaders, or other valuables, are the responsibility of the individual student. Never leave personal items unattended as the school is not responsible for loss, damage or theft.
Personal Electronics
Cell phones, smartphones and other personal electronics (e.g., gaming devices or music players) are considered contraband and use is prohibited on campus. Once on campus, cell phones or smartphones must be turned off and placed in a student's bag/backpack or locker. At no time shall the cell phone or smartphone be exposed on clothing or bag/backpack (i.e., sticking out of pockets). Use of cell phones or smartphones are allowed after school, only to contact parents/guardians.
Lost and Found
The lost and found department, located in the school security office, is for the convenience of persons who have lost or found items on the school campus. Losses due to theft should be reported to the administration immediately.
School Office & Use of Telephone
Students are reminded that the school office and telephone are for business purposes. Students should not loiter in or around the office. The office will give permission for students to call parents only in emergency situations.
UPDATE: There will be limited access to the school office.
Change of Address or Telephone
The office should be notified in the event of a change in a student’s address or telephone number as soon as possible. Please contact the office for further directions on how to update your information.
Request for Copies of Student Education Records
Parents/Guardians may request a form from the school for the Department of Education to provide copies of educational records. In accordance with Section 92-21, Hawaii Revised Statutes, Copies of records; other costs and fees, requesters will be charged twenty-five cents ($0.25) per page for requests for copies of public records. The requester may also incur additional charges as outlined by the Office of Information Practices.
For more information on the additional charges, please refer to the following website:
Transferring to Another School
As soon as it is evident that a transfer to another school is necessary, students must bring a written notice from home. The school office staff will prepare the Request for Transfer form. The student will then circulate this form to all teachers. Upon completion, the student will receive a release if all school obligations have been met.
No public school student shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination on account of the student’s race, color, national origin, sex, religion, or handicap condition under any program or activity of the Department of Education.
If a student feels they have been discriminated against in one of the department’s educational programs or activities, they are encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of the school principal for discussion and resolution. If the matter cannot be resolved at this level they are encouraged to make full use of the Department of Education’s Civil Rights Complaint Procedure for Students and file a written complaint with the district superintendent’s office. Upon receiving the discrimination complaint, a District Complaint Board will hear and decide on the merits of the complaint in a prompt and fair manner. Students may request a copy of the Civil Rights Complaint Procedure for Students from the principal.
Page Updated: 4/2023