MMS Core Ethical Values
Moanalua Middle School demonstrates character education concepts and core values by incorporating them into the curriculum at each grade level. Core Ethical Values also serve as standards for student behavior and character development.
- Be able to appreciate what one has; Be thankful for what one has; and, Show appreciation for others who have done acts of kindness
- Obey rules and the law; Volunteer to help others; and, Protect the environment
- Show that you care about others through kindness, sharing and caring; Be charitable and empathetic; Live by the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."; and, Be altruistic
- Work as a team member to accomplish common goals
- Face adversity or difficulty with confidence and conviction; and, Face difficulties even when afraid
- Tell the truth; Be sincere; Do not cheat, steal, or betray a trust; and, Understand and consistently abide by the spirit of an agreement, policy or law
- Be modest in demeanor, not overly filled with pride
- Stand up for your beliefs about right and wrong; Resist social pressures and make ethical choices; Keep your word; and, Always choose what is right, not just do what is right for self
- Take on responsibility without being asked and without expecting compensation; Willingly take charge to get something done
- Treat all people fairly; Be open-minded; Do not take advantage of another one's mistakes; Do not take more than your fair share
- Do the best with what you have; Pursue excellence; Keep trying. Do not quit or give up easily; Be diligent and industrious; Invest time and effort to produce something useful; and, Be resilient
- Be courteous and polite; Judge all people on their merits; Be tolerant and appreciative; Accept individual differences; and, Appreciate cultural diversity
- Be reliable; Be accountable; Do not blame others for your mistakes or take credit for another one's achievements; Be responsible for one's self and for one's learning; and, Uphold obligation to others
- Exercise self-control; Think before you act; and, Consider the consequences
Page Created: 8/2023