C. Yokoe » Mr. Yokoe's P.E. & Health Syllabus

Mr. Yokoe's P.E. & Health Syllabus

CTE-Physical Education/Health


All classwork and homework assignments must be kept in the students CTE portfolio and will be graded periodically. All classwork and homework must be done neatly and completely to ensure credit for a grade. Parents can be informed of his/her child’s progress by perusing through the students CTE portfolio, checking Jupiter grades, or emailing Mr. Yokoe

Grading component include: Standards Based Assessments in Physical Education & Health

Point System: All grading will be assigned the following percentages and grade equivalent

100% - 90%= A

89% - 80%= B

79% - 70%= C

69% and below= D


Be on time

Stay in your assigned seat until told to get up

Follow all TRIBES Agreement, Team and School Rules

Bathroom privileges are for emergencies only

5. No eating or drinking in the computer lab-breath mints/cough drops are okay

Do your best, stay on task, FOCUS and LISTEN

ALL TEAM 7A, SCHOOL , and SAFETY rules/policies will be observed. Furthermore, all students will have an opportunity to learn in a safe, open, and peaceful environment, as will the teacher be able to teach in such a place.

Any student action which prevents learning and teaching from occurring (classroom disruption, damaging school property, insubordination, cheating, etc.) will result in consequences. These include, but are not limited to, warning, detention(reflection and/or task), parent notification, student referral, and retribution for damaged school property


Students who are absent must immediately upon return ask for any work missed. Students who will be absent longer than 2 days, must notify me so that I may send any work that will be missed home. Students will only be excused from P.E. activities if accompanied by either a parent/guarding or doctors note. Please specify the extent of illness, injury, etc. and the time frame that he/she will be inactive from any physical activity.


I will be following the TEAM 7A’s policy on late work as outlined in the TEAM handbook. If no late work policy is specified, I will institute my own policy which is: Student-written letter explaining the following: 1) The reason the work is late 2) The action(s) the student will take to turn in work on time in the future and 3) Parent/Guardian signature on the bottom of the letter. This letter is to be stapled with the late assignment being turned in.


Students need to be prepared by bringing all required materials to class. Students who fail to do so sacrifice opportunities for success in this class. On P.E. days it is highly suggested that students wear athletic type shorts and shoes to provide a wider range of movement and a more stable base of support to ensure a safer workout.


CTE Physical Education/Health- 12 week course of study:

Physical Education/Health:

-P.E.- Introduction to the components of Physical Fitness
-P.E.- Student Assessments in the Component(s) of Physical Fitness
-P.E.- Custom designed Fitness Routine designed by each students training group.
-Health- D.A.R.E (Drug Awareness Resistance Education) program
-Health- Family Health & Sexuality: State Approved Curriculum, Health Teacher, Inc.

Physical Education/Health: Program Vision

To introduce students to the components of Physical Fitness & Healthy Lifestyle. It is my vision that each student may learn and understand the importance of how living a healthy life can contribute to their overall success and well being in the future.

Physical Education/Health: Program Mission

To provide classroom instruction to all students so that they will be introduced to the fundamental movements that contribute to the components of Physical Fitness. Students will be using as little training aids while working out and more of each individuals own body weight to create a physically strong base of support or CORE STRENGTH. The D.A.R.E program education in Teen Health class will enhance students understanding of making wise and healthy choices in life while using the D.A.R.E (Define, Assess, Respond, & Evaluate) decision making model. Family Health & Sexuality will help students to develop skills in critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making to foster healthy alternatives about sexuality and relationships. Lastly, it is my hope that all student will someday pursue a healthy and active lifestyle so that they may enjoy life to the fullest potential.


I have read the classroom policies, consequences and program overview as explained above. If I have any questions, I will call or email Mr. Yokoe ([email protected]) for clarification.

_______________________________ _______________________________
Students Name (Print) & Period # Parent signature date